6 years agoon
Nir RegevThis article contains spoilers to AMC’s Lodge 49 Season 2 Episode 7 (“Exile”).
Scott Miller was always the responsible one, loyal to a fault, a trusty K-9 always at its owner’s side. But what happens to a faithful dog when their owner abandons them? What happens when an owner looks directly into their mutt’s dying for approval eyes, pupils enlarged, tail wagging in anticipation… Only to inform them they’re being relieved of duty? A worldview shattered into a million pieces, never to be put back together. Disneyifiction had Scott penning lyrics, when words didn’t matter. There is not a single sweet syllable he could have whispered that would have saved the day. Love is not ‘just’.
He did everything right, followed every logical step, and found out his adaption of Disney romance still didn’t get past the draft. His Editor stamped a smiley face sticker on it then threw his heart in the recycle bin. The song was never going to work, it was just delaying the inevitable. The infamous ‘Talk,’ the last moment before complete surrender.
Scott is a broken man, sitting at a bartop, looking to Football to heal him because he was a believer… When society’s utopic portrayal of love was always a mirage, a lie placed in-between a vase of roses. Scott adhered to the rules of romance, looked to them for guidance, while others just put it on the tab. If Ernie and Dud had never fell through that ceiling, the talk with Connie would have stayed the same. In fact, if Ernie never crossed paths with Connie, it would have just been someone else.
Thus, Lodge 49’s Sovereign Protector is now one in name only. No longer a protector of what he holds most dear, no direction, and no reason for finding one. Go back and look at Eric Allan Kramer’s 1,000 yard stare as Scott while heavy metal blares over the speakers. That’s the sight of a man who did everything he could think of and still lost. Scott left everything out on the field but lost his team anyway.
Check out a recap of last week’s Lodge 49 episode on AMC featuring the history of Jackie Loomis!
Nir Regev is the founder of The Natural Aristocrat. You can directly contact him at [email protected] for coverage consideration, interview opportunities, or general comments.
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