Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad: Remembering Jesse redialing Jane’s voicemail
In today’s world of ghosting, processing loss is a daily occurrence. Yet, watching Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman repeatedly calling Jane Margolis’ voicemail to hear her voice one more time is just as painful a decade later.
An introduction to the ‘modern funeral’, where digitized remnants of a person stay lingering in limbo.
Loss occurs without warning. Trivial day-to-day shared routines taken for granted are suddenly recognized as treasured memories. Jesse calls but there’s no answer, Jane doesn’t pick up… She will never pick up again.
There will be no more romance, no more fights, and no future. Jesse Pinkman tries to soak in every last word of Jane’s recorded voicemail greeting before it evaporates.
Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and Jane Margolis (Krysten Ritter) – Breaking Bad – Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Carin Baer/AMC
For a couple more hours, Jesse can put off that Jane Margolis will never return back into his life. The voicemail, a sedative, a placeholder. Never has denial sounded sweeter or more intoxicating. Jesse calls seemingly 100s of times, unable to accept what has transpired.
Then without any kind of notice… Jane’s cell phone number is unceremoniously disconnected. Jane’s demise begins. Jesse Pinkman is tossed away outside from Jane’s warmth back to the stained rubble of his life.
Forced into acceptance against his will of his impending loneliness. Latching onto Jesse Pinkman’s collar like the Grim Reaper’s touch.
Good memories will fade a little bit more each day while pain takes their place. No longer will Jesse be able to recall any memory positively without the pain of Jane’s loss casting a shadow over it. Blissful happiness turned to permanent sorrow and what could have been.
Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and Jane Margolis (Krysten Ritter) – Breaking Bad – Season 2, Episode 12_”Phoenix” – Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/AMC
A game of what if’s, a loop of what you should have done but didn’t. Jesse’s last digital memento of happiness is wiped clean but his life continues.
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Jane Margolis (Krysten Ritter) – Breaking Bad – Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/AMC
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