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Chiwa Saitô Interview: ‘My son plays video games I’m in, doesn’t know it’s me’



Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /
Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Interview: Voice actress Chiwa Saitô spoke to The Natural Aristocrat® at Anime NYC 2024 about her son playing video games she voices characters in… But he doesn’t know it’s her voice!

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024.

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024.

WHEN: Chiwa Saitô fielded questions from the media in a New York City press conference at Javits Center on the morning of Friday, August 23, 2024.

THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT (NIR REGEV): Does your son play video games that feature you as a voice actor? I noticed he was playing what looked like Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance on a Nintendo Switch in the hallway.

CHIWA SAITÔ: (smiles) Yes, he does play games where there’s a character that I’m playing… However, I haven’t told him about my occupation (laughs), so he doesn’t know that I’m voicing certain characters in the games that he plays.

We’ll wait for the right moment to tell him. Well, mostly he doesn’t like my characters to be honest! (laughs) He loves the really cool, heroic characters!

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Voice actress Chiwa Saito at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: What do you feel has been your most challenging role throughout your career to perform?

CHIWA SAITÔ: It’s definitely Yona from Yona of the Dawn. Most of the characters in the series are male. Back then, the series was very Shōnen Jump-like.

There were adventures, fighting scenes, obstacles… You know, all the excitement.

But then, there’s a female main character and I was the lead. I felt like I had to be the coolest character to stand out from all those already cool male characters! That was challenging for me to portray.

It’s not like she’s the heroine. I know because I’ve played so many heroines. To me, there’s certainly a difference between a heroine and a lead character. But at the same time, I had such great joy portraying Yona.

There’s a side story actually! I was pregnant with my first child during Episode 1. When we recorded, I couldn’t go because I didn’t feel well. That’s how I started the series, (laughs) I gave birth right before the recording of the last episode!

My pregnancy was a journey with Yona of the Dawn. It was a really memorable series to me in this way. It was my first child, my daughter. So that character was kind of a collaboration between myself and my daughter.

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saito Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: What has been your favorite part of visiting Anime NYC 2024 and New York City?

CHIWA SAITÔ: Well, I just arrived the night before Anime NYC. I’m very excited to be here of course! But I haven’t gone anywhere else yet, truthfully. I just unpacked yesterday and started getting ready.

I brought my son with me and three minutes after we left the hotel, my son needed to go pee. So we went back to the hotel and then he was tired, so he took a nap.

After that, my son wanted to eat some meat, so we ordered gyūdon. They forgot the silverware though, so I made rice balls from it and we ate it with our hands! So these are my memories until now from New York City. (laughs)

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Interview – Chiwa Saito at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô on voice acting career start and Harrison Ford:

CHIWA SAITÔ: When I was a little girl, I asked my mom to buy me a fashion magazine. But she actually ended up getting me a voice actor industry magazine. (laughs) That’s how I learned about voice acting as an occupation.

In the magazine, they were focusing on an interview with a voice actor who had voiced Harrison Ford. I thought to myself, “If I can become a voice actress, I could one day be a co-performer with Harrison Ford!”

I don’t really expect to be going to Hollywood now. (laughs) But it’s always been a nice dream. Back in those days, if I voiced any of the characters that appeared in one of his films, then I could have a co-performing credit.

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Voice acting Industry’s Chiwa Saitô at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô on favorite Harrison Ford film:

CHIWA SAITÔ: I love Harrison Ford so much! I watched Indiana Jones on the way over here. I really love Air Force One too.

I think Harrison Ford is the best person to become President of the United States! (laughs) But that’s my personal opinion…

THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Would you marry Harrison Ford if given the chance?

CHIWA SAITÔ: (laughs) I have kids! I do wonder if Harrison could play with my two year old. (laughs)

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô on voice acting roles changing over time:

CHIWA SAITÔ: When I started my career, I mostly played main characters. You know, girls who would grow throughout a series. These days, I play mothers or a last boss.

Before, I used to play characters that saved the world. Now, I play characters that want to destroy the world! So I’ve become much stronger! (laughs)

Chiwa Saitô on working with anime Director Akiyuki Shinbo often:

CHIWA SAITÔ: During my first audition with Director Shinbo, we were down to two candidates. One other girl and me…

And Director Shinbo wanted the other girl! Not me. Can you believe it? (laughs) I thought, “Maybe he doesn’t like my voice or how I act.”

However, as we started worked together, he liked the way I work. I don’t do the same thing twice after all. I do every take in a different way. Director Shibo liked that.

The only thing I am kind of scared of when working with Director Shinbo is when he’d say, “Hmmmmm… I’ve heard that one before.” That would make me nervous!

Personally, I’ve never requested a specific director in my career. But every time I would show up to a recording booth he was a part of, Director Shibo was like, “Oh God, you again!” (laughs)

Director Shibo’s staff members would say, “She fits the role perfectly!” And he would reply, “Maybe… If you say so.”

Then, once we started the recording sessions, he’d say “I knew it from the start! You were always the best fit!” (laughs) I would laugh and say, “Oh, you’re such a liar!” (laughs)

Chiwa Saitô on favorite type of characters to voice:

CHIWA SAITÔ: I personally really enjoy playing comedic characters. Tamamo-no-Mae from Fate/Grand Order is an example of such a character. Tamamo has so many characters within her.

Technically, this Tamamo character is the very first character I’ve ever created from zero. Kinoko Nasu, who has the authority, told me, “Do whatever you’d like, it’s your call.” So I play the role with a free mind.

If the director says, “Maybe, that’s too much,” then I’ll rein it back a bit. But I basically do whatever I want and push the line until they tell me, “Not so much. It’s too much!” (laughs)

Now, I also play a lot of cool characters like Homura Akemi. In order to deepen my understanding of a character, I only bring in images from the original works. Those are the only materials I’ll bring with me into the recording booth. It’s always the original images from the source material that I get inspiration from.

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô on voicing Natsumi Hinata of Sgt. Frog:

CHIWA SAITÔ: Sgt. Frog was a series I joined shortly after my professional debut. It was very early on in my career and a place where I could be as much of a newbie as possible.

When I said I really enjoy playing comedic characters, it comes from my experience on Sgt. Frog. My senpai actors and actresses working on the series were having so much fun during the recording sessions! At the same time, they respecting one another.

They created a wonderful environment for newbies like me and I really admire them. Now, I have become the same age as my senpais when I joined Sgt. Frog. I still respect those senpais so very much.

I try really hard to help newbies in recording sessions. If they’re feeling nervous, I go over to them and try to help them calm down & relax.

I want to create the same fun environment for them that my senpais once did for me. It’s actually Sgt. Frog’s 20th Anniversary this year, so it’s a really big year! (smiles)


CHIWA SAITÔ: Thank you very much!

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

Chiwa Saitô Interview at Anime NYC 2024. Photo Credit: © 2024 Nir Regev /

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