Snowpiercer Trivia Quiz #1
Are you a true Snowpiercer fan? Take the Snowpiercer Trivia Quiz & test your knowledge!
Photo Credit: Justina Mintz
1 What character from the Tail doesn't make it past the first episode of Snowpiercer?
Jackboot Tyson
Robert Folger
Old Ivan
Correct!Wrong!Old Ivan
Old Ivan asks the Tail to give him some alone time for his birthday. After listening to Rachmaninoff music on an iPhone and looking at photographs of his wife, Old Ivan hangs himself.
Check out our interview with Katie McGuinness (Josie Wellstead) on the scene.
2 Who does Zarah consider eliminating behind Layton's back?
Josie Wellstead
Miss Audrey
Correct!Wrong!Josie Wellstead
Zarah tampers with josie Wellstead's IV in an attempt to eliminate her before Layton finds out she's still alive... However, Zarah ends up panicking and telling Andre Layton the truth of Josie's whereabouts.
3 What is the name of Wilford's dog who attacked Javi?
Wilford's dog Jupiter attacks Javi leaving him physically scarred and a wreck psycholigcally. Check out our interview with Javi actor Roberto Urbina's interview on Jupiter's attack.
4 Who does Mr. Wilford ask Miss Audrey to fix?
Kevin McMahon
Bess Till
Ruth Wardell
Correct!Wrong!Kevin McMahon
Mr. Wilford tasks Miss Audrey with 'fixing' Kevin McMahon after he breaks him.
Be sure to read our interviews with Lena Lena Hall and Tom Lipinski on the memorable scene.
5 Who does Bess Till date first on Snowpiercer?
Miss Audrey
Nikki Genêt
Jinju Seong
Correct!Wrong!Jinju Seong
Beth Till's first romance on Snowpiercer is Jinju Seong. They break up post rebellion due to opposing views.
6 What Breaking Bad actor was on Snowpiercer's first season?
Aaron Paul
Mark Margolis
Giancarlo Esposito
Correct!Wrong!Mark Margolis
Actor Mark Margolis, also known as Hector Salamanca, portrays Old Ivan on Snowpiercer's premiere. Relive the birthday scene.
7 Who does Pike eliminate on Andre Layton's behalf?
Walter Flemming
Icy Bob
Pike eliminates Terence on Andre Layton's behalf and is never the same again.
8 What video game console appears on Snowpiercer that LJ Folger plays on?
Sony PlayStation 5
Nintendo Switch
Microsoft Xbox Series X
Correct!Wrong!Nintendo Switch
LJ Folger is seen playing a Nintendo Switch on the fifth episode of Snowpiercer
9 Who was the lead scientist responsible for the Drawers?
Dr. Pelton
Mrs. Headwood
Dr. Henry Klimpt
Correct!Wrong!Dr. Henry Klimpt
Dr. Henry Klimpt is responsible for the suspension Drawers abroad Snowpiercer. He was the lead scientist on the project.
10 Who was responsible for the extensive, life threatening frostbite to Josie Wellstead?
Melanie Cavill
Joseph Wilford
Zarah Ferami
Correct!Wrong!Melanie Cavill
During an interrogation by Melanie gone wrong, Josie Wellstead attempted to break free and eliminate her. Instead, during the tussle, Josie was exposed to frozen air vapor and left for dead by Melanie.
She would later be medically treated aboard Big Alice by request of Mr. Wilford.
Snowpiercer Trivia Quiz #1
Created on-
Quiz resultYou scoredCorrect!
Quiz result
Back to the Tail with you!
You scoredYou had your chance... Break out the Snowpiercer Blu-rays and get it together!
Quiz result
Good enough for Third Class
You scoredBut not good enough to meet the Folgers!
Quiz result
Melanie's Partner
You scoredYou have what it takes to be Melanie's right hand man or woman. Together you'll lead the train and humanity itself to prosperity... As long as you never stray from Melanie's plans, that is!
Quiz result
You scoredMr. Wilford has been looking for a backup engineer... He might have a use for you yet!
Quiz Photos Credit (From First to Last):
Background Photo Credit: Justina Mintz
On Snowpiercer Quiz Results:
Photo Credit (#1, #2, #3, #4): #1 – Justina Mintz, #2 – TNT #3 – Justina Mintz, #4 – David Bukach
– Be sure to check out more Snowpiercer coverage on Snowpiercer articles section and chat with fellow fans on our Snowpiercer Forum!

Nir Regev is the founder of The Natural Aristocrat. You can directly contact him at [email protected] for coverage consideration, interview opportunities, or general comments.