Editorial Standards
Ethics Policy
The Natural Aristocrat® is a fully independent U.S. based online publication with high ethical and professional reporting standards being paramount.
All original content presented on The Natural Aristocrat® is reported first-hand by Senior Editor & Director of Content Nir Regev. Often, subjects or events are filmed & photographed.
The Natural Aristocrat® strives for precision and 1:1 accuracy of interviewed talent in their own words. Every single talent interview is transcribed 1:1 and has an original audio recording archived and ready for release should a dispute over verbiage ever arise.
Some talents may request a removal pre-publication and as The Natural Aristocrat® is a good-faith publication, it will oblige such requests within reason. For example, if an overseas talent feels they’ve been misinterpreted in translation or a talent accidentally leaks confidential information.
Post-publication transcript change requests are not accommodated as to keep the original intent, accuracy, and verbiage of the interview.
For readability and grammatical purposes, there is minor editing of interview transcripts. For example, removals of repetitive spoken filler words such as “you know, kind of, like, maybe” and so on.
The Natural Aristocrat® ensures that the original intent and verbiage of the subject is never deceptively altered, omitted, or taken out of context.
Integrity & honesty in reviews is integral to The Natural Aristocrat®. While The Natural Aristocrat® may receive digital or physical products to review on occasion, this has no bearing on the outcome of the review. Positive or negative, The Natural Aristocrat® seeks total objectivity.
The Natural Aristocrat® openly discloses any product they receive for review with a note at the bottom of the article with the exception of ‘screeners’. This is due to some TV networks, Film studios, and streaming services having policies that do not permit revealing an outlet has screener access publicly.
It’s important to reiterate that a screener being provided to The Natural Aristocrat® does not constitute positive coverage or any kind of coverage at all. The material provided is reviewed objectively for its quality or lack thereof.
Third Party Photography and Sources:
The Natural Aristocrat® credits all third party photography and sources in the manner they were officially presented to the outlet.
Corrections Policy
All editorial content published on The Natural Aristocrat® is accurate at the time of publication. We correct any & all typos, misheard verbiage over interview phone calls, and misinterpreted translations of overseas subjects expeditiously.
For example, if a subject / talent during a phone call interview said a word that has a similar sound to another word and was misheard, this is corrected.
We will never mislead our audience. For example, if a subject / talent simply regrets a statement made post-publication, we will not alter their original intent by modifying the statement. We stand by every interview transcript with an original backup audio recording archived and ready for release if necessary.
Original Breaking Reports & Anonymous Sources:
As it’s the goal of The Natural Aristocrat® to be fully transparent with its audience, original breaking reports are kept intact & unaltered.
For example, if a source tells The Natural Aristocrat® that an actor/actress is slated to appear on a specific episode of a TV series, the report is correct at the time of publication. However, the provided information can still be subject to change at the showrunner’s discretion at a future date.
We do not disclose anonymous sources of such breaking reports outside the realm of legal request. This policy allows industry members to speak in an open manner with us about secret business practices, leaks, and personal relationships backstage.
We will never publish or disclose material that was verbally asked to be “off the record” for example. Even anonymously.
Editorial content from 2024- on may feature a yellow highlighted update section (Editor’s Note) on top of an original report to designate new information.
Actionable Feedback Policy
If you’d like to request a correction or make a general comment to The Natural Aristocrat®, you can contact the outlet at [email protected] or use our Contact Form.
The Natural Aristocrat® will typically respond within 48 hours on business days (Monday – Friday). If you require immediate assistance, you may also contact the outlet at (646) 854-3367 and leave a voicemail.
Fact Checking Policy
The Natural Aristocrat® fact checks our third party sources with rigorous research of their background, precision of their past & current claims, and their overall character until we are confident of their statements. Should a source prove untruthful or unreliable, they will be immediatley dismissed and their claims discarded.
As of 2024 on- claims of sources proven untruthful will be retracted in the form of a yellow highlighted Editor’s Note on the top of an article with corrected information.
Ownership and Funding
The Natural Aristocrat® is owned and operated by Live Game Deals LLC, a private for-profit company. The news outlet is primarily self-funded & partially funded through advertising and affiliate marketing.
The Natural Aristocrat® might explore the sale of original event photography for editorial-only purposes and subscription based revenue models in the future.
Diversity Policy
We are committed to covering talents of all races & ethnicities, sexes, ages, disabilities, sexual orientations, genders, religions (or lack thereof), and income levels. We do not discriminate.
If you take a look at our Interviews section, you’ll find we regularly interview a diverse set of talents from all over the world.
The preceding editorial standards and policies above were last updated on March 13, 2024. Note: This page and its polices may be updated in the future.