Freedom in a cell, a door opens to another alarm bell. Past deeds chained to his feet, Lance Hornsby has nowhere to retreat. Always looking up...
Imagine peeking into a snow globe that holds a third world, where residents are forced into labor every time you shake it. Their fear necessary for...
Erased. On The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20, Carol and Daryl trade away the future of the Commonwealth’s children in a loaded decision. In exchange...
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 18 asks parents to reflect how much of themselves is mirrored in their children? How much of a child’s failure...
Eleanor Matsuura spoke to The Natural Aristocrat® about Yumiko’s infamous Carol punch leading to the end of her relationship with Magna. “Nobody wants to punch Melissa...
The Walking Dead’s latest chapters feel like déjà vu, retreading old territory. You’ve simply seen it before. The Commonwealth as some type of Alexandria and Woodbury...
Naive, youthful indiscretion turned to final judgment with a revolver favored over the gavel. Sunlight lightly dances over Lizzie Samuels’ blonde locks as eternal night stands...
The Walking Dead spiraled below the 2 million viewer mark for the first time in the show’s history last Sunday. Whether you enjoyed “Diverged” or not,...
No, Carol is not fine. Distraction, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance. These are the four phases of a wilting relationship abruptly pulled out by the roots not on...
Corporate media is exploiting the lucrative Caryl fanbase everyday for profit & social media engagement. Dually feasting on their hope & misery depending on which way...