Recap: Barry and Sally are raising a young son together named John as the show flashes forward 8 years in a time jump. Barry turns to...
Frasier co-star Saul Rubinek spoke to The Natural Aristocrat® about being open to appearing on the Paramount+ Frasier reboot series, if Donny Douglas should have ended...
Review: 10 out of 10. Sarah Goldberg’s speech as Sally Reed on her student ‘coasting on looks all her life instead of working to be an...
Recap: Barry recalls first meeting Fuches as a child, Sally gets dropped by her agent, and Cristobal & Hank set up a gang retreat at Dave...
George Lopez offers to reconnect ex-Godfather Don (Erik Griffin) with Mayan in our exclusive video preview clip for Lopez vs Lopez Episode 19 (“Lopez vs The...
English department dinner guests turn into vultures of opportunity… As Hank & Lily trade piercing verbal jabs over her job offer in New York on Lucky...
Advance Review Score: 9.6 out of 10. Bill Hader, Sarah Goldberg and Stephen Root are the apex predators of the acting jungle in 2023. Pushing themselves...
Chance has a school yard fight over who’s the stronger Pokémon, Snorlax or Charizard, on ‘Lopez vs Lopez’ Episode 18. A parenting style debate breaks out...
Lucky Hank actress Sara Amini spoke to The Natural Aristocrat® about portraying adjunct professor Meg Quigley opposite Bob Odenkirk on the AMC TV series. This Sara...
Mayan Lopez wants the Quinceañera she never had after George & Rosie divorced… All under the guise of it being for her dog Churro. Meanwhile, Oscar...