There’s nothing that makes Barry’s skin crawl quite like his girlfriend Sally’s abusive, slimy ex showing up uninvited and unwanted.
Barry looked upon Sam with visceral disgust as his girlfriend’s former shame descended upon them in a civilized ambush. Imagine Sam as a Face Hugger from the Aliens films ready to pounce on Sally and extinguish the flame of her muse irreparably. Needless to say, Barry being caught in the middle of Sally’s past is now the position he reluctantly finds himself in. Whether during class where he embodies a man he despises to the core or out of it at the acting studio parking lot. Two asteroids ready to collide.
In the preview trailer above, Barry loads up his pistol after comforting Sally, presumably on his way to put Sam down. Sam appears to have slipped into the class to view Sally’s scene and is less than pleased with what he saw. Will Sam’s iron grasp upon Sally’s emotions return or will she be able to break the cycle? Might this potentially be the first time Barry allows someone from the class to see him take someone out?
What about the line of evidence that begins to stack with Detective Janice Moss at the forefront? Every civilian causality or collateral damage to Barry’s dream of reintegrating into society is another puzzle piece for a through investigation.
Major Plot Points for tonight’s Barry episode:
- Sally’s ex Sam is back in the picture, will her old feelings follow?
- Will Barry be able contain his anger under the surface towards Sam or will he be forced to take action? Combining his secret life into his new one…
- Detective Loach is growing impatient with Fuches’ lackadaisical attempts at entrapment
- Gene to receive a whirlwind truth grenade from his student that changes the way he looks at him?
- NoHo Hank is teeming with positivity over his ‘best friend’ building him an army but are his forces capable enough even with the world’s greatest training?
Barry to have heart-to-heart discussion with Gene Cousineau
Co-star Henry Winkler posted an ominous tweet insinuating Gene’s secret hitman acting student reveals a truth on tonight’s episode. “Excuse me, you did what?!” certainly speaks for itself but what is the content of the truth? Surely, Barry wouldn’t reveal what happened to Gene’s love Janice at the cabin that night.
Is it the guilty, positive feeling of camaraderie after his first confirmed hit? As was visualized on-screen when he typed it before hitting the delete button. What really happened after his friend was shot and he gave the stone cold gaze of death to a perpetuator off-camera?
Monroe Fuches appears to be having second thoughts
Fuches doesn’t seem to be lock and step with betraying his protégé despite pressure from Detective Loach hovering over him, a dark cloud ready to rain down handcuffs at any second. His “Really?” when Barry told him he was happy to see him said everything, as if a weight had been lifted off a heavy heart.
The question is how long will Detective Loach allow Fuches to have therapeutic talk that doesn’t lead to Barry incriminating himself? His patience already seems to be wearing thin on Fuches inability to deliver the verbal goods on tape.
Will NoHo Hank’s legion ever be ready?
NoHo Hank is a man who plans ahead, way, way into the future. His goal in this case is to eliminate competition vying for Cristobal Sifuentes’ attention, a neutral rival in Esther. Although Barry was unable to complete the hit due seemingly to PTSD, he agreed to train NoHo Hank an army to pay his debt.
However, it appears the ‘Air Jordan’ of hitmen is not quite satisfied with the talent on the squad. How much training will it take on his part to get them ready for action? Will they ever be the legion that NoHo Hank pictures in his rise to the throne of a 50% split with Cristobal? Then there’s the matter of suspicion on Esther’s part that the monastery infiltration was no accident, particularly with NoHo Hank’s surprise she’s still around.
Anthony Carrigan getting Emmy level praise across Twitter
Speaking of NoHo Hank, actor Anthony Carrigan has been receiving a treasure trove of praise across Twitter for his portrayal. Just take a look at the replies to that tweet above or write #Barry to see acting compliment after compliment. Carrigan’s talent has not gone unnoticed, receiving The modern day resounding thumbs up across the Twitter sphere. Barry fans cannot get enough of NoHo Hank’s impeccable comedic timing.
From the opening scene last episode, NoHo brought the comedy gold in spades. His dreamed up televised debate a highlight that’ll live on in Barry lore for seasons to come.
Catch up on the events of last week’s episode with The Natural Aristocrat’s Barry recap for “Past = Present x Future Over Yesterday” (season 2, episode 3).