Food Wars!
Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 Dub Review: Central vs State Allegory
Food Wars! The Third Plate’s “The Academy Falls” is a sophisticated Orwellian allegory pitting aristocratic centralized government vs independently run, state-like clubs.
This review contains spoilers for the English dub of Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7. You can watch “The Academy Falls” online right now via HIDIVE or VRV Premium’s HIDIVE Channel.
In “The Academy Falls” the design of merit-based competition through Food Wars! is put to the test at Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. A process thought to be infallible and sacred is revealed to be two steps removed from corruption at any given moment. A triumvirate of bribed judges presides over Etsuya Eizan and Tetsuji Kabutoyama matchup, with a predetermined outcome. Sans taste test. The President of the Skewer Research Society, Tetsuji Kabutoyama, is shown to be helpless against the Central backed Etsuya Eizan. Tradition holding no weight against Eizan’s consolidated social power at the academy.

Food Wars! The Third Plate – Season 3 Episode 7 – “The Academy Falls” – Pictured: Erina Nakiri and Hisako Arato – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
Thus, Food Wars! are shown to have more in common with loose gentlemen’s agreements propped up by Tōtsuki, rather than righteous competition. Without Tōtsuki enforcing an honor-based federalist system with checks and balance, the integrity of Food Wars! crumble under the highest bidder.

Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 (The Third Plate) – “The Academy Falls” – Pictured: Tōtsuki Culinary Academy Central Judges – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
The message is twofold, it demoralizes Tōtsuki’s populace and discourages future attempts at revolution of any size. Azami Nakiri, father of Erina Nakiri (“The God Tongue”), establishes sovereign control over Tōtsuki on “The Academy Falls”. Intending a Central government made up of aristocrats to declare what is and isn’t true cuisine.

Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 (The Third Plate) – “The Academy Falls” – Pictured: Azami Nakiri – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
Azami’s overthrow of his father Senzaemon Nakiri as headmaster and director of Tōtsuki with the assistance of the Elite Ten Council places the academy fully at the whims of nobles. Independently-run clubs and dorms at Tōtsuki, resembling classical states relinquish any sort of governing power in Central’s push for campus-wide unification. Their cuisine deemed obsolete amidst an iron-fisted crusade by Azami Nakiri for Central’s vision of what it should encompass.

Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 (The Third Plate) – “The Academy Falls” -Pictured: Tōtsuki Culinary Academy Students – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
Professors are forced to reeducate under the principles of Central rather than their own, fearing banishment or loss of status if they should speak up. Non-Elite Ten Council Tōtsuki students are told their previous methods were always incorrect, reprimanded for creativity. ‘States’ are forced into obedience through fear of exile and lack of influence. The votes of the general student populace lack democratic influence against the will their ‘Elite’ position holders. Etsuya Eizan’s Food War was televised across the campus as a showcase of the futility of dissidence, indirectly pointed towards Sōma Yukihira.

Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 (The Third Plate) – “The Academy Falls” -Pictured: Sōma Yukihira watches Etsuya Eizan cheat to win Food War! to make an example of Tetsuji Kabutoyama, President of the Skewer Research Society – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
However, in typical fashion Sōma Yukihira is undeterred by an insurmountable challenge. Sōma risks expulsion to save Kyokuseiryō/Polar Star Dormitory from being disbanded. Making a statement by challenging Eizan for a Food War regardless of a rigged, fixed outcome. Sōma defies the Central government, potentially jeopardizing his future at Tōtsuki. All for the belief of state-like club freedoms through independent cuisine, rather than on a unified assembly line.

Food Wars! Season 3 Episode 7 (The Third Plate) – “The Academy Falls” -Pictured: Sōma Yukihira challenges Etsuya Eizan to Food War – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
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Online Stream: Watch via VRV’s Premium HIDIVE Channel or directly on the HIDIVE Streaming service.
Can’t wait for each episode to air? You can purchase the entire season on Blu-ray over at Amazon, Right Stuf, Best Buy, Walmart or Target right now!

Food Wars! The Third Plate – Season 3 Episode 7 – “The Academy Falls” -Pictured: Polar Star Dormitory/Kyokuseiryō Residents – Art Credit: Sentai Filmworks via VRV’s HIDIVE Channel
New to the Food Wars! series? Be sure to read an in-depth preview of Food Wars! Season 1 Episode 5 at LiveGameDeals.com! Discover some of the first conversations between Sōma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri.
Check out more Anime coverage on The Natural Aristocrat at the Anime category section featuring articles like Anime NYC 2019: ‘Food Wars!’ Screening packs house. Detailed information on how to watch Food Wars! online is also available.
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The Natural Aristocrat enjoys the VRV Premium service featuring HIDIVE courtesy of VRV. The Natural Aristocrat does not earn a commission should you subscribe to either service.
Regarding Food Wars! Season 3 Art / Show Screenshots: The Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma Anime was originally made by J.C.Staff and licensed by Sentai Filmworks in the U.S. The Food Wars! The Anime is based on the words illustrated in the manga by Shun Saeki and written by Yūto Tsukuda. Published by Shueisha in Japan and VIZ Media stateside.