2 years agoon
Nir RegevThis Your Honor recap contains spoilers for “Part Nineteen” / Season 2 Episode 9.
On the latest Your Honor, Jimmy Baxter makes Michael Desiato an offer to be his right hand man. Baxter claims to want to utilize Desiato’s intellect despite being disbarred and that he’s going ‘legit’.
But Michael is skeptical, feeling its sacrifices and not loyalty that is most important to a family. And he fears what he’ll have to sacrifice. The concept behind loyalty itself is a running theme in this Your Honor episode.
While receiving a ride back from Jimmy’s son Carlo, Michael questions Carlo on his father going legit. That he won’t be a part of anything if Carlo’s the one running crimes, because Carlo will get caught.
Carlo responds if someone drops a bag at your house and you don’t look inside, then someone later picks it up… Are you really committing a crime?
Jimi Stanton as Carlo Baxter in YOUR HONOR Season 2 Episode 9, “Part Nineteen”. Photo credit: Andrew Cooper/SHOWTIME.
Michael Desiato asks to be let out of the car and tells Carlo, yes it is a crime, ignorance doesn’t hold up in a court of law.
Meanwhile, Lee Delamere defends Eugene Jones with Gina Baxter on the witness stand. She conveys that Gina must have not seen the real shooter or she would have leapt out to take the bullet for her son.
Lee also brings up that Gina did not see which hand shot the gun. This line of questioning makes Jarek Rall nervous and he decides to amend the witness list and add Michael to it, which infuriates Lee.
Bryan Cranston as Michael Desiato in YOUR HONOR Season 2 Episode 9, “Part Nineteen”. Photo credit: Andrew Cooper/SHOWTIME.
When Michael is confronted by Lee to lie on the witness stand, he refuses. Michael Desiato comments that he will only tell the truth, no more lies. It’s never gotten either of them anywhere.
Fia Baxter demands the truth from her father about the legalities of his business. When he relents and tells her everything from her grandfather on down, Fia tells Jimmy his ties to a certain family in New York is being investigated. But she refused to cooperate with the investigation.
In turn, Jimmy drops out of the Baxter district altogether. Shocking Charlie Figaro and Olivia Delmont.
Isiah Whitlock as Charlie Figaro in YOUR HONOR Season 2 Episode 9, “Part Nineteen”. Photo credit: Andrew Cooper/SHOWTIME.
(C): Mike Seal as Roderick in YOUR HONOR Season 2 Episode 9, “Part Nineteen”. Photo credit: Skip Bolen/SHOWTIME.
“Loyalty is earned, and so is betrayal” – Trey ‘Little Mo’ Monroe to Big Mo about going all in, revealing Chris’ plot to take over the business. During a business exchange between Roderick and Chris, Little Mo betrays Chris. A train masks the noise of Big Mo shooting Chris and taking his life, something Little Mo clearly hesitated to do.
Afterwards, Big Mo and Janelle Williams exchange words backstage and Janelle returns Big Mo’s engagement ring to the palm of her hand.
Bryan Cranston as Michael Desiato
Michael Stuhlbarg as Jimmy Baxter
Jimi Stanton as Carlo Baxter
Hope Davis as Gina Baxter
Lilli Kay as Fia Baxter
Carmen Ejogo as Lee Delamere
Paul Schulze as Judge Doucet
Rosie Perez as Olivia Delmont
Benjamin Flores Jr. as Eugene Jones
Damon Gupton as Jarek Rall
Gavin ‘Chief’ Meredith as Chris
Andrene Ward-Hammond as Big Mo
Ciara Renée as Janelle Williams
Keith Machekanyanga as Trey ‘Little Mo’ Monroe
Mike Seal as Roderick
Isiah Whitlock Jr. as Charlie Figaro
Margo Martindale as Elizabeth Guthrie
You can stream Your Honor by subscribing to the Paramount+ Showtime bundle. Your Honor Season 2 airs every Sunday at 9:00 pm ET with a replay at 11:00 pm ET.
Have a cable subscription? You can also stream the episode on the official Showtime website. The series premiere is available to watch for free.
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Nir Regev is the founder of The Natural Aristocrat. You can directly contact him at [email protected] for coverage consideration, interview opportunities, or general comments.
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