9 months agoon
Nir Regev‘Blue Lock’ Movie Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
This interview contains spoilers.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT (NIR REGEV): Sports are ruthless because if you can’t deliver, you logically need to be discarded off the team. What was it like recording the scene where Nagi betrays Reo?
BRYSON BAUGUS: I feel like that moment in the film and in the series as well really was a turning point for their character arc. Up to that point they were both to a certain extent there for each other as opposed to for themselves.
That match against Isagi and Team Z really hammered in that they need to find their own reasons for being there, separate from each other. That scene in particular was sort of the literal personification of the lesson they learned from Team Z.
Nagi in ‘Blue Lock’ Movie. Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
I feel like to a certain level, Nagi was very much relying on on Reo for certain things. For them to improve themselves, they needed to have that split so that when they can reunite later, they’ll become better from that experience.
Nagi in ‘Blue Lock’ Movie. Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
They need to find their own ways to improve independently.
KAMEN CASEY: Yeah, it was what perfect writing. Especially as an actor getting a chance to play Reo in the conflict. I mean, Nagi is like, ‘Yeah, the game’s the game. We should play the game, it’s kind of cool.’
While Reo’s like, ‘This is my dream, I’ve poured everything into this. And now he’s like, wait, isn’t this what you wanted from me?’ I’m kind of like, I wanna explore this thing that you’ve been talking about this whole time. So what a perfect clash. It was so much fun getting to dive into those emotions.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Kamen, in this kind of scene do you actually cry in the booth for real?
KAMEN CASEY: I had a couple of goes at it ’cause I was like, this is the big moment. As an actor I’m like, ‘I don’t know when I’ll ever get a chance like this again.’ I wanna live in the present and give this everything I possibly can.
And so that monologue, talking to Nagi, that was real emotions coming out there. I’m glad that you could pick that up through watching the film. I actually haven’t seen the movie yet.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Is it selfish or selfless to utilize Nagi to achieve his dream?
KAMEN CASEY: Yeah, I think he’s human. I think there’s some aspects of imperfections where it’s like, we love to see our friends do amazing, but oh man… When they’re doing better than you with other people than you’re like, ‘Whoa, that’s kind of does hurt.’
Like, but how should I feel about that? I love that he was battling with that conflict. I did just pour so much into this guy and he turned his back on me.
Reo in ‘Blue Lock’ Movie. Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
But also I do want the best for him, but damn does he want the best for me? Like it’s a tough human experience! (laughs)
BRYSON BAUGUS: And I can see with Nagi being such a hard person to read that you could easily spiral into wondering, ‘Well, does he even care about me anymore?’ I could definitely see that being a big source of conflict for Reo in particular.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: What’s a typical recording day with Voice director Jonathan Rigg for Blue Lock?
BRYSON BAUGUS: It’s been an amazing experience! There was a lot of things about Nagi as a character that were very tough to pick up on early on in the series that I feel we were able to discover and develop as we continued on working in the show.
And to be able to go back and revisit some of the earlier moments with Nagi and even his moments before the series, just finding those nuances was made so much easier thanks to Riggs’ direction.
A lot of the things that he noted that we tried to keep at the front of our mind while working as Nagi was that he kind of almost feels alien to this world. Like, he’s this ghost wandering around curious about humanity and ‘Oh, why do people try so hard?’
‘Everything I’ve done comes so easily to me. So why don’t these people just find things that are easier for them to do, less resistance. Why try so hard?’ And all that stuff.
We tried to keep a lot of that in mind.
There was even multiple times in the show or in the film where, we’ll get to a new moment and Rigg will be like, ‘Well let’s go back to that first scene and we’ll reestablish that kind of mood and that mentality and stuff like that.’
So working, working with Jonathan Rigg on this film was an amazing experience.
KAMEN CASEY: Yeah, he’s a great leader! I’ll go to war with that guy! I mean he’s very precise.
You trust him because he knows what he’s talking about. I love that in a leader. And then as an actor, you do want some input. You do want to kind of bring yourself to the table.
So when I did get a chance to make suggestions or say, what if I try a joke this way and he’ll go, ‘Let me see if I like it.’
And so he would still offer that collaboration effort in there within his precision and knowing exactly what he wanted to see. So it was so much fun. I loved playing the role with Rigg’s direction.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: What are your thoughts on a naturally gifted individual like Nagi preferring to squander his talent out of laziness? Have you met people like this in the dub industry? Does it personally bother you?
Nagi in ‘Blue Lock’ Movie. Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
BRYSON BAUGUS: I feel like for somebody like Nagi to which certain things just come so effortlessly and easily… It’s easier for people who do have to try harder to get to that level, to hold a little bit of a resentment towards those people.
It’s the kid in class who would just get easy A’s on every exam without ever opening a textbook. I don’t think there’s any reason to have any resentment myself towards characters and people in real life like that.
I feel the characters or people like that who tend to be a little bit more frustrating are the ones who get a little bit too bigheaded early on.
They’re just kinda like, ‘Well yeah, I’m the best!’ Like, off of two or three opportunities that they may have gotten really early on and just kind of make value judgements about others on that.
But I feel Nagi as a character doesn’t really make those kinds of value judgements. I think he’s just more examining things in his own mind. ‘What is it about this stuff that makes people so passionate about it?’
And then when he finally discovers that for himself, he’s almost all in. I think he’s still got a few ways to grow in the series as it continues, but he’s definitely starting that journey of discovering a passion.
So I feel like short answer, I enjoy playing characters like that. I’ve definitely run into people like him in the past that are just effortlessly good at things. But I try not to hold it against them personally unless they start to be kind of a jerk about it.
KAMEN CASEY: As a teacher or anytime I’m in a teaching position it’s so frustrating. They drive me nuts! They drive me insane because you’re like a parent.
A semi-parent in the sense of you wanting to prevent them from running into any obstacles ’cause you’ve already learned those lessons. Right? Or seeing someone bump into those lessons.
But of course they’re gonna have to find out in their own. You’ll get some talented students that might not turn things in on time or I’ll get to that audition when I can, or they’ll ride the deadline and I’ll call ’em out.
That person over there that you think you’ve already passed or better than is going to pass you or going to take your spot because you think it’s gonna be waiting for you.
This industry in the arts will continue forever without any of us tomorrow. So if you think you’re so special that you can take your time to respond to that agent that reached out to you to get back to a fan or to get back to a friend… Good luck.
BRYSON BAUGUS: I think your answer kind of reminded me of the point I was trying to make earlier that Nagi is a very good showcase of that. Like, oh yeah, there are people that can have this raw talent, but that it can only take you so far unless you start putting in your own effort and your own blood, sweat and tears into improving yourself.
Even at that really high baseline, people can surpass that baseline with just hard work and their own dedication to it. So like, if you wanna stay in the game, you gotta start caring and there’s even a moment in the film where Nagi does kind of see a little bit of that part of his ego.
Where he’s just kind of like, ‘Well this isn’t for me because like I can already see myself winning this already. So like why even bother trying? ‘Cause I know I’m gonna win anyway.’
I feel like that’s an aspect of his ego that we don’t get to see as much of in the series. So thank you Kamen for reminding me of the point I was originally trying to make earlier!
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Kamen, you worked on Classroom of the Elite (as Ikuto Kiriyama), so you must notice the the similarities to Season 3 where a student has to be voted out for the rest of the class to prosper.
Have you ever had to let go of a friend to advance in business and in life like Nagi did to Reo?
KAMEN CASEY: A hundred percent choosing to go into the arts. I mean, most people are picking maybe more realistic jobs. Engineer, I’m gonna be a doctor, I’m gonna be a lawyer, I’m gonna do all these other things. And choosing to go into the arts where I didn’t grow up going to an art school or things like that was a whole different world for me.
So that’s less time that you’re with your friends, they’re off doing their dreams and then you kind of hope to be able to meet up later in life and go to each other’s weddings, but nothing’s guaranteed.
You know, you’re gonna make new friends and so you gotta choose, are you gonna be the best friend in the world? Are you gonna be the best at your job? And trying to find that balance in life.
There’s 24 hours in a day and you’re asleep for six to eight of it. What are you gonna do with the rest of that time? You know? And sometimes you’re gonna have to be more selfish or more selfless, you know, it’s up to you, it’s your life to live.
But I love that that in this show that they explore that in their friendships and when they’re by themselves as well.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Bryson, you’ve previously a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) a few years ago and I was wondering if you’re going to host one for the Blue Lock film’s release?
BRYSON BAUGUS: I think that one was actually organized by the Haikyuu AMA, because that season had just been announced with the cast and everything.
I’m not much of a Redditer person myself, but they had reached out to me and I was able to do that. But I’d be down to do something more like that if the community reaches out for sure.
I don’t know how those tend to be formatted or if it’s just more casual like, ‘Hey, it’s me! Let’s do this.’ Because that one was a little bit more like organized.
So I wasn’t sure if that was the standard for Reddit stuff or not, but that AMA was a lot of fun! I could probably go for an updated one.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: How are you going to get the word out that there’s a post credit scene in the Blue Lock movie?
BRYSON BAUGUS: This happened with the Haikyuu movie too, which also had a post credit scene. I recall Jonathan Rigg was in the first screening and the first couple screenings and I kind of just took after him. I saw people standing up and Rigg would yell out, ‘There’s more!’
I wasn’t quite as loud, but I would like whisper to the person next to me and be like, ‘Hey, there’s a post credit scene by the way.’ I would say it loud enough that others can hear me! (laughs)
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Will you be participating in future in-person fan soccer tournament events?
KAMEN CASEY: I would love to!
BRYSON BAUGUS: I’d be down much like I would in the past. I kind of sat in the stands, watched everybody else do it, and then afterwards I kicked the ball for the photo! (laughs)
But I might try to get a little bit more in shape so I can at least like play a couple rounds or something. I may not get into the later rounds in these tournaments, but I’d like to be able to play.
Bonus Anime Questions:
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Bryson, as Nishikata, what was it like recording the scene in Teasing Master Takagi-san: The Movie where you allow your lost cat to be adopted by someone else?
BRYSON BAUGUS: That was heartbreaking. It’s been a while since I worked on that one. But that was another one of those where every now and then we’ll step into a role that was originated by somebody else.
I always feel like there’s a bit of an expectation that, ‘Oh, I should try to like do my best to keep true to the, the original performers’ interpretation of that character!’
‘Cause I know in the first season and at the beginning of season three, they were getting Aaron Dismuke back to to record for Nishikata.
I was originally intended to just be a temporary voice match. And then for him to step down from the role and be like, ‘Hey, this is all you man!’ Like, I appreciated that he was willing to give me some of the insights into the character that he did for Nishikata.
It was, it was such a fun movie to work on and a fun season to work on as well. For sure!
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Kamen, in Remake Our Life!, your character (Tsurayuki Rokuonji) drops out of art school. Basically the protagonist (Kyouya Hashiba) going back 10 years improves his life but ruins everyone else’s.
What are your thoughts on this?
KAMEN CASEY: Oh I love that show! I love that as a filmmaker myself, it was so cool to see a story about group projects and the conflicts that happened.
It was so realistic but in a way that drew me in and didn’t take me out of it. It was such an awesome show!
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Bryson, do you miss working on Food Wars! as Takumi Aldini?
BRYSON BAUGUS: Oh yeah, that was such a fun show! I feel like they definitely could have done a little bit more with the story.
I mean they’re still in high school when the last season ended. They should do more Food Wars!, that’d be awesome. I’d love to return to that show!
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: Thanks Bryson and Kamen!
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More Blue Lock:
‘Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Nagi-‘ Art Credit: ©Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kota Sannomiya, Yusuke Nomura, KODANSHA/BLUE LOCK MOVIE Production Committee
– Stream all 24 dubbed episodes of Blue Lock now on Crunchyroll!
– Get the Blue Lock Manga on the Crunchyroll Store or Amazon!
– Watch the Blue Lock movie in theaters starting tomorrow, June 28, 2024! Local showtimes can be found here. The opening night release date is just hours away.
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Visit our Anime Interviews section for more exclusive chats with the top talent in the industry!
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Nir Regev is the founder of The Natural Aristocrat. You can directly contact him at [email protected] for coverage consideration, interview opportunities, or general comments.
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