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Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 4 Review, Recap: Truth vs Hope



Roberto Urbina - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC
Roberto Urbina - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Review: If your survival was in peril, would you want to be told the brutal truth by a Javi type or that ‘everything will be okay, it’s a worst case scenario’ by a Sam Roche type? Buying time doesn’t come cheap and it’s never free.

Is Admiral Milius dangling hope to Andre Layton that different from Sam Roche doing likewise to New Eden’s community? Not really. That’s the quandary and debate of Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 4 “North Star”.

People like being told what they want to hear, even if the sweet lies defy all reasonable logic and ring their internal alarm bells.

This Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 4 Recap and Review contains spoilers for episode “North Star”.

Roberto Urbina - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Roberto Urbina as Javi – Snowpiercer Cast (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Javi was caught off guard when legions of New Eden residents turned frenzied when faced with the stone cold truth. Without Big Alice’s availability as a power source, rationing of energy would have to commence quickly… Or everyone in New Eden would risk feeling winter’s icy breath for the last time.

Javi’s argument for delivering the bad news straight was that he ‘would want to know if his survival was at risk’. But the people of New Eden did not respond in kind, only held together by a thread of hope given to them by Sam Roche. Who played down Javi’s worry as a “worst case scenario” and calmed tensions.

Roberto Urbina, Sam Otto, Mike O'Malley - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Roberto Urbina, Sam Otto, Mike O’Malley – Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Roche would later call himself ‘The Cool Dad’ to his daughter but really was what Roche did worthy of the moniker? He temporarily suspended anarchy and chaos in New Eden by lying to the people, despite knowing Javi was telling the truth. Whispering sweet nothings to their ears that amount to nothing in reality.

If Big Alice does indeed not return in time, it’s a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’ the population of New Eden meets a frosty end.

Mike O'Malley, Sam Otto - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Mike O’Malley, Sam Otto – Snowpiercer Cast (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Andre Layton’s Choice: It’s all about Leverage

Daveed Diggs - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Daveed Diggs as Andre Layton – Snowpiercer Cast (Season 4, Episode 4) ‘ North Star’. Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Andre Layton was correct to suspect a deal too good to be true as offered by Admiral Milius. Connect Big Alice to Snowpiercer and receive your daughter back, no clash of forces necessary. Sensing a trap, Layton agreed with Milius’ offer while secretly climbing aboard Snowpiercer along with Josie Wellstead.

Meanwhile, Ruth bough the pair time by claiming a technical ‘coupling error’ being responsible for a delay.

Daveed Diggs, Michael Aronov - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Daveed Diggs, Michael Aronov – Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4 Photo from ‘North Star’. Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Layton would go on hold Dr. Nima Rousseau, the scientific mind of Milius’ operation, to halt Milius’ men from advancing him. But would soon let go of his only leverage…

Milius would have the upper-hand as Snowpiercer took a sharp turn luring Big Alice into uncharted territory. Soon even if Layton gets his daughter back, there might not be a home for them to go back to.

The Stranded Community vs ‘The Belly of the Beast’

Mike O'Malley, Chelsea Harris - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Mike O’Malley, Chelsea Harris – Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 4 Cast on ‘North Star’. Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

It’s actually quite surprising Ruth agreed to allow Big Alice to go into ‘the belly of the beast’ (unknown enemy territory) against Alex Cavill’s judgement. In an unprecedented emotional decision, Ruth decided to go all-in on Big Alice chasing after Snowpiercer for Layton and potentially forsaking New Eden’s entire community.

No wonder Ruth (Alison Wright) preferred to be on Big Alice itself than stay behind in New Eden. Alex (Rowan Blanchard) going ahead with Ruth’s direction with zero debate or pushback in the heat of the moment was also unexpected.

Josie would receive a bewildering offer from the Admiral Milius (Clark Gregg), Liana Layton for control of Big Alice.

Meanwhile, back on New Eden, Oz would lead Roche to where he discovered a mysterious frozen hand. But Oz would lose sight of Roche, leaving viewers on a cliffhanger of his whereabouts.

Oz has been rather unreliable and suspect since suffering a mental breakdown of sorts in New Eden. Time will tell the state of his sanity and the fate of Roche.

Review Score: 8.0

Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 4 “North Star” emphasized humanity’s need to stick to lies like honey, moths to the light. Javi’s truthful confession was met with rejection and anger. It appears humans can’t help but run away from brutal honesty and desperately look for ways to escape it.

What would you do? Comment below in our comment form at the end of this review article.

Note: Sean Bean (Mr. Wilford) does not appear in Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 4 “North Star”. Neither does Jennifer Connelly (Melanie Cavill).

More Snowpiercer Recaps, Reviews, and Interviews:

Roberto Urbina - Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 4). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Roberto Urbina as Javi. Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 4 Cast. Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC

Be sure to read:

Roberto Urbina Interview: Javi’s Dog Bite PTSD on Snowpiercer

Katie McGuinness talks Snowpiercer’s Josie Wellstead (Interview)

Iddo Goldberg Snowpiercer Interview: Ben vs Mr. Wilford’s Tyranny (Video + Transcript)

Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Father vs Ruler (“Life Source”

Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: The Sting of Survival

Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 1 Review: ‘Snakes in the Garden’

Snowpiercer Season 3 Finale recap: Melanie’s Choice

Go to The Natural Aristocrat®’s Snowpiercer section to see more exclusive interviews with Snowpiercer cast members, reviews, recaps, and photos!

We have ongoing coverage of the fourth and final season of Snowpiercer and its frozen wasteland. From Snowpiercer and Big Alice to the dynamics of interpersonal relationships like Layton and Josie.

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