Review Score – 4.0: The Snowpiercer Series Finale is unfortunately, just not very good… I say this as a fan from the very beginning. Not even...
Review: If your survival was in peril, would you want to be told the brutal truth by a Javi type or that ‘everything will be okay,...
Review Score – 8.0: Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 3 (“Life Source”) has the strongest writing of the first three new episodes on AMC. We see two...
The call of the ignored only gets louder. Festering in the shadows, burning into an inferno against the agitprop of false leadership. Tonight’s Snowpiercer saw Simon’s...
No God after all, Alex Cavill sees her adoptive father’s vulnerability for the first time. She sits planted bedside listening to the sterile hum of machines...
Snowpiercer star Iddo Goldberg spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about Bennett ‘Ben’ Knox’s cold war with Mr. Wilford, his relationship with Melanie Cavill, Javi, and had...
Snowpiercer star Lena Hall spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about Miss Audrey & Mr. Wilford’s twisted relationship, Alex Cavill’s jealousy, and Andre Layton’s revolution. * This...
Miss Audrey is still locked away in Mr. Wilford’s heart shaped amulet. Banging on its gold-plated doors with all her might, screaming with the volume muted,...
Snowpiercer heated up tonight with game-changing revelations for the future of humanity and the ones governing it. Surprises leaping out like a finely tuned jack in...
An unexpected twist propelled Snowpiercer’s Whodunit murder mystery from regular TV staple into an Orwellian dystopia. Where a person’s very skillset is commodified and put on...