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Frasier Season 2 Episode 5 Recap, Review: Bebe is Amazing



Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Review Score – 9.1: Actress Harriet Sansom Harris returns as ruthless talent agent Bebe Glazer with an out of the ball park acting performance. Frasier Season 2 Episode 5 has the most captivating storyline since the original series… Does Frasier have a daughter?

L-R: Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe, Kelsey Grammer as Frasier, and Rachel Bloom as Phoebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe, Kelsey Grammer as Frasier, and Rachel Bloom as Phoebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

This (2024) Frasier Season 2 Episode 5 review and recap contains spoilers for “The Squash Courtship of Freddy’s Father”.

L-R: Jess Salgueiro as Eve, Toks Olagundoye as Olivia, Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan and Kelsey Grammer as Frasierin Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Jess Salgueiro as Eve, Toks Olagundoye as Olivia, Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan and Kelsey Grammer as Frasier in Frasier season 2 episode 5 cast streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

“The Squash Courtship of Freddy’s Father” begins with Frasier gathering friends and family alike to discuss his new memoir draft. Olivia is tense, bothered and panicking over not having read a single page of it.

Surprisingly, Alan did actually read Frasier’s memoir and shares his thoughtful comments with Olivia… Who steals and plagiarizes them, having been called on by Frasier first. * More on this in the episode’s side story section.

Toks Olagundoye as Olivia and Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Toks Olagundoye as Olivia and Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

David shares his father Nile’s comments tearing down the memoir. * Lots of Niles Crane references in 205, maybe we’re getting closer to an appearance by actor David Hyde Pierce? Even Daphne is mentioned.

Frasier (2024) Season 2

Freddy to his credit read every chapter and verse of the memoir, recalling the exact moment in Chapter 3 that he found troubling. His father calling him “alien” to him at Chapter 3’s conclusion.

L-R: Jack Cutmore-Scott as Freddy and Anders Keith as David in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Jack Cutmore-Scott as Freddy and Anders Keith as David in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Frasier rejects the suggestion by Freddy of removing the “alien” sentence out entirely, calling it great writing. Instead, Frasier decides on a game of squash to better connect with his son in a shared interest.

It’s then he embarks to the opera to reconnect with talent agent Bebe Glazer, who’s dynamite in her return. Classic line after classic line.

Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe and Kelsey Grammer as Frasier in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe and Kelsey Grammer as Frasier in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Our favorite Bebe line of the episode being, ‘Spoken like a true Fat-Cat, but us Skinny Kitties need to eat,’ when Frasier says he’s not writing a memoir for the money.

Bebe introduces Frasier to her daughter Phoebe, and the two hit it off right away over a mutual dislike of “The Phantom of the Opera”… So much so, Frasier begins to think he has more in common with Phoebe than his own son.

Kelsey Grammer as Frasier and Rachel Bloom as Phoebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Kelsey Grammer as Frasier and Rachel Bloom as Phoebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Despite Freddy genuinely enjoying playing squash his father and Frasier putting on a happy face, true feelings come out in private. Frasier tells Alan and Olivia that while he played with ‘his heart on his sleeve’, Freddy was completely ‘stone faced’ and still ‘alien’. When Freddy comes to the table, Frasier agrees to participate in an upcoming squash tournament but lies to Freddy about an ’emergency’.

L-R: Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan, Anders Keith as David, Kelsey Grammer as Frasier and Toks Olagundoye as Olivia in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan, Anders Keith as David, Kelsey Grammer as Frasier and Toks Olagundoye as Olivia in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Frasier claims Phoebe has broken her ankle and he needs to attend to her & Bebe. But it’s a lie, he simply prefers to spend the rest of the day talking with Phoebe, who he begins to wonder may be his daughter. He did share a ‘torrid’ love affair with Phoebe’s mom Bebe in 1995 after all, the year of Phoebe’s birth.

Alan is taken aback by Frasier’s selfish decision to ditch his son. The typically stoic Alan later comments that he would give his right arm to have 1/10th of the relationship with his daughter that Frasier has with Freddy now.

When Frasier asks Bebe privately if Phoebe could be his daughter, she responds that the ’90s are a blur, so many lovers’.

L-R: Kelsey Grammer as Frasier, Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Kelsey Grammer as Frasier, Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier revival, episode 5, season 2 cast streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Frasier decides to take matters into his own hands after hearing that Phoebe loved his show growing up and tells her, “I’m you father… Maybe.” It’s the first big story arc in our opinion of the Frasier reboot.

Frasier revival

Bebe’s response is comedy gold “I suppose you could be her father, I just never wanted to find out. People hear single mother and they think hero, diva, Madonna, whooorrre! How could I give all that up?”

L-R: Kelsey Grammer as Frasier and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Kelsey Grammer as Dr. Frasier Crane and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier season 2 episode 5 cast photo. Streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Everything is on the upswing until Phoebe slips up and Frasier realizes he’s been had in Bebe’s most twisted scheme ever. Bebe attempted to make Frasier believe Phoebe was his daughter in order to get him to reprise his old TV show, twice a week in Bushwick… Where Phoebe just happens to reside.

Despite Frasier’s shock, he is a victim of compliments. When hearing Phoebe couldn’t put his memoir down and had learned everything about his life to hatch the grand scam… Frasier just hears the part about Phoebe “Not being about to put the memoir down”.

He agrees to have Phoebe join his representation for his memoir on the condition his show ‘never ever be revived’. It’s then Freddy walks in with full white squash clothing, deeply hurt by Frasier’s actions.

L-R: Jack Cutmore-Scott as Freddy, Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Jack Cutmore-Scott as Frasier’s son Freddy Crane, Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier (2024) episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Freddy learned through Alan what Frasier was up to and tells him to get in the car, “You’re coming with me.” Frasier says that at this moment when Freddy is wearing his heart on his sleeve, ‘His own heart couldn’t be more full. He’s no alien but truly his boy.’

L-R: Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

L-R: Rachel Bloom as Phoebe and Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe in Frasier (2024) season 2 episode 5 cast member photo. Frasier reboot is streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Phoebe switches to a natural British accent once Frasier leaves the room and both mother and daughter laugh at Frasier being manipulated. In Bebe’s words, “Mommy always get her money!” It’s a fierce bait and switch from Bebe and the comedy payoff is amazing.

Though we can’t help but wonder how the Frasier revival would have turned out with Phoebe truly being Frasier’s daughter…

Conclusion: We need more Bebe! Harris is just plain fun to watch as Bebe Glazer, the true ‘devil on the shoulder’ talent agent personified.

Olivia Finch & Alan Cornwall Side Story

Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan and Toks Olagundoye as Olivia in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan and Toks Olagundoye as Olivia in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Olivia’s blatant plagiarism of Alan’s thoughts would continue throughout Frasier 205, even after promising to stop. Despite the immense guilt and dislike of people who have stolen her own work, Olivia feels a rush every time she gets praised for stealing Alan’s comments.

She apologizes saying, “I don’t know what to say” after plagiarizing Alan’s comments on his lost connection with his daughter. Alan answers, “Would you like me to make something up for you?”

Toks Olagundoye as Olivia and Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Toks Olagundoye as Olivia and Nicholas Lyndhurst as Alan in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

– Watch Frasier (2024) Season 2 now by signing up to Paramount+

Frasier Season 2

More Frasier Recaps, Reviews, and Interviews:

Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe and Kelsey Grammer as Frasier in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024.  Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Harriet Sansom Harris as Bebe and Kelsey Grammer as Frasier in Frasier, episode 5, season 2 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo credit: Chris Haston/Paramount+

Be sure to read:

Frasier (2024) Season 2 Episode 4 Recap, Review, Cast Photos

Saul Rubinek Interview: Frasier Reboot, Donny and Daphne

Frasier (2024) Season 2 Non-Spoiler Review: Episodes 1 and 2

Frasier (2023) Episode 10 Recap, Cast, Photos: A Roz Christmas

Frasier’s Honey Snow: Does truth hurt relationships?

Visit The Natural Aristocrat®’s Frasier section for our latest articles!

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