Release Date: SAKAMOTO DAYS’ anime adaptation will premiere on Netflix on January 11, 2025, with one episode released each week. Season 1 Part 2 will follow...
Photos of KANA NYC fashion showcase by designers Seungyeon Kim, Desiree Scarborough, Moon Chang, and Sho Konishi. The fashionable clothes exhibition took place on November 1,...
Photos of fashion designers Moon Chang, Desiree Scarborough, Sho Konishi, Seungyeon Kim at KANA Fashion Panel on Nov. 1, 2024 in NYC. Speakers included Korean Consul...
Photos of featured speakers including Mari Onishi and guests attending NYC's Nagano Culinary Delights Reception on October 29, 2024. Photos by Nir Regev /
Photos of Oyaki, the best tasting culinary delight from Nagano, Japan on October 29, 2024 in New York City reception. Photos by Nir Regev /
Photos of Nagano Governor Shuichi Abe attending NYC Reception celebrating Nagano culinary delights on October 29, 2024. Photos by Nir Regev / The Natural Aristocrat®.
Ambassador Mikio Mori talks about Japan’s booming foreign tourism industry in 2024 and the importance of highlighting cities like Nagano. Not just metropolitan areas like Tokyo,...
Review: Relationships don’t wither hiding in the shadows, it’s when they bask in the full glory of the sun. Mayan Lopez and Quinten Van Bryan find...
Review Score: 8.0 – Uzumaki’s sophomore episode feels reminiscent of classic Greek mythology. Kirie Goshima’s hair awakens to life in a parasitic relationship, attempting to suffocate...
Review Score – 8.0: The final 10 minutes of the Re:Zero Season 3 Premiere are easily the best part of the 90 minute film that screened...