Review Score – 8.0: Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 3 (“Life Source”) has the strongest writing of the first three new episodes on AMC.
We see two sides of Andre Layton, the father acting out of turn in an attempt to rescue his kidnapped daughter… And the ‘democratic council member’ looking after New Eden as its real ruler and shepherd. The two sides cannot coexist.
This Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 3 Review contains mild spoilers for “Father vs Ruler” for the purposes of reviewing.
New Eden’s period of Pax Romana and jubilant progress into the future was a mirage all along, ready to be torn down at the slightest hint of turbulence. “Life Source” makes you wonder if Admiral Milius might be the real ‘good guy’ of Snowpiercer all along.
Methods aside, Milius places a premium on the future of the human race above and beyond any personal attachments or sensibilities. Milius is much closer in his mindset to Melanie Cavill than many Snowpiercer fans would like to admit.
In fact, the most thought provoking scene in “Life Source” is Admiral Milius asking Dr. Nima Rousseau what he thinks Wilford’s paintings are worth? Then replying paraphrased, ‘They’re worth nothing. Even if the paintings are Rembrandts, they’re to be burned if needed to survive and so are your family photo albums.’
Clark Gregg – Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 3). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC
In our Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 8 recap, we explored how it was too late for Layton to become an engineer at this stage of his life. That no rallying cry, charm, or rebellion could usurp the dependence on Wilford and Melanie’s technique with the train at the time.
Once again in Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 3, we find Layton dependent on Javi (and indirectly Melanie’s daughter Alex) to help advance his intended actions forward. Layton cannot take Big Alice on his own even if he wanted to without the will of the people. Layton will always arrive at the same crossroads because he will never become an engineer.
It’s no wonder Layton is politically subverted by Ruth at every turn in “Life Source”, his needs no longer align with what’s best for the people. And even though his actions are obviously admirable as a father, it’s a difficult proposition to ask others to risk their lives (and home) for a rescue mission.
More so, “Life Source” shows even Layton doesn’t truly respect the council and democratic system he himself created. It’s a front, a sham not all that different from Melanie impersonating Mr. Wilford in Season 1.
The moment an issue directly involves his family, Layton makes it clear he believes himself to still be the ruler of the group. Layton desires to make unilateral decisions no different than Mr. Wilford or Melanie before him. In a very self aware scene, Layton admits he will ‘lose a vote if it comes to it’. That his daughter is already gone if the people of New Eden vote on it.
Layton’s trial as a father is the most accessible plot line in Snowpiercer Season 4 until now for newcomers. The first two episodes of Season 4 almost demanded prior viewing to know what was going on, they were not very casual friendly.
But here in “Life Source” it’s back to the basics of humanity: Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? We won’t give away what choice the people of New Eden make of course, you’ll have to watch the episode on AMC or AMC+.
“Life Source” is a thought provoking look that utopia in action doesn’t always match how it looks in paper. Reality is miles away from vision alone.
No Mr. Wilford Sighting Still
– Worth noting for you other Sean Bean (Mr. Wilford) fans out there, there is still no sighting of Mr. Wilford in “Life Source”. His painting collection is as close as we get.
Talk with other Snowpiercer Fans
Iddo Goldberg, Mickey Sumner – Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 3). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC
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More Snowpiercer Season 4 Reviews and Recaps
Daveed Diggs, Ian Collins – Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 3). Photo Credit: David Bukach/AMC
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