Recap: Snowpiercer Season 4 Episode 2 opens with Bennett Knox held hostage at gun point, giving Melanie Cavill five seconds to make a decision. Give up...
Snowpiercer showed the origins of Mr. Wilford’s break with Melanie Cavill tonight in a series of must-see flashbacks… All while exploring humanity’s savage competition over finite...
Snowpiercer star Lena Hall spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about Miss Audrey & Mr. Wilford’s twisted relationship, Alex Cavill’s jealousy, and Andre Layton’s revolution. * This...
Is every revolution doomed to crash full circle with the leader filling in the warm, comfortable cushion of their predecessor? Will the sweet temptation of privilege...
Katie McGuinness spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about Snowpiercer’s Tailie heroine, Josie Wellstead, and the show’s allegorical, Orwellian representation of class divide. Josie Wellstead’s resilience in...
The ripple of war between rich & poor, divided by tickets and doors, is at the heart of TNT’s Snowpiercer. This article contains spoilers for the...
An unexpected twist propelled Snowpiercer’s Whodunit murder mystery from regular TV staple into an Orwellian dystopia. Where a person’s very skillset is commodified and put on...
Here’s how to watch TNT’s Snowpiercer online with a live stream of Episode 4 “Without Their Maker” or see the episode on TV. Snowpiercer airs tonight...
Snowpiercer’s Jennifer Connelly aka Melanie Cavill let her flowing locks cascade down for the first time on “Access Is Power”. An episode spotlighting human depravity, regressive...
Mr. Hector Salamanca himself, Better Call Saul’s Mark Margolis, took part in a major scene on TNT’s Snowpiercer TV Series premiere episode tonight. This article contains...