Hannah Emily Anderson spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about The Purge’s elegant Jenna Betancourt, Jigsaw, upcoming film The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw, and the impact of...
Mary K. DeVault spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about portraying host Ms. Lorelei on The Purge’s pro-NFFA, pro-Purge children’s program, Ms. Lorelei’s Corner. The first minutes...
The Purge’s Amye Gousset discussed NFFA radio guest Lena Dash featured on The Bobby Sheridan Show, the Urge2Purge app’s death threat popularity system, and much more...
All Ben Gardner ever wanted is someone to join him rather than judge his Purging tendencies, Esme Carmona is hunted for the NFFA’s lucrative bounty on...
The Purge’s original film lead Ethan Hawke will return on USA Network’s Season 2 Finale episode “7:01 AM” to reprise his character James Sandin. Guess who’s...
Here’s how you can watch The Purge Season 2 Episode 9 “Hail Mary” on USA Network online via live stream or the old-fashioned way right on...
Joel Allen discussed Ben Gardner’s connection to The Purge’s memorable God Mask, its symbolism, and Season 2’s intense scenes at NYCC 2019. There is no question...
Ben’s Jekyll & Hyde-like mask of sanity finally slipped to the point of no return on The Purge’s latest chapter, stealing away those he loves most....
The voice of USA Network’s The Purge is finally revealed on-screen tonight as actor Dermot Mulroney guest stars and brings The Bobby Sheridan Show to life....
The Purge’s latest episode “House of Mirrors” opened strong off the bat tonight and kept the crescendo of madness-filled rage amplified from start to finish. Ben’s...