Crunchyroll and Adult Swim announced a partnership at V-CRX for an Anime adaption of the Sega Dreamcast’s iconic Shenmue. That means Ryo Hazuki is arriving on...
Minori Chihara, Final Fantasy Type-0’s Japanese voice actress for Cater and Violet Evergarden’s Erica Brown will be a featured guest at Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2020 (V-CRX)....
Vampiro & Director Michael Paszt spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about new documentary ‘Nail in the Coffin: The Fall and Rise of Vampiro’, the destructiveness of...
Christopher Wehkamp spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about FunimationCon 2020, voicing Fire Force’s Takehisa Hinawa, the reception to My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising, dubbing My Hero...
Kenny Omega spoke to The Natural Aristocrat about FunimationCon 2020 as the future of conventions, his passion for My Hero Academia, hosting the My Hero One’s...
Snowpiercer’s first class sociopath, LJ Folger, played a Nintendo Switch on tonight’s episode. Coincidental product placement or console war omen? This article contains spoilers for Snowpiercer...
Cassady McClincy gave her best acting performance to date on “The Tower” as she and Jeffrey Dean Morgan made a strong play for the roles of...
Sword Art Online’s Todd Haberkorn went into pseudo Sugou/Oberon mode when he recorded a humorous voicemail live to Asuna voice actor Cherami Leigh during an interview...
Todd Haberkorn spoke to The Natural Aristocrat at Anime NYC 2019 about Sword Art Online’s villain Sugou Nobuyuki/Oberon, Asuna voice actor Cherami Leigh, ad-libbing, and the...
Disgaea 4’s Carrie Savage spoke to The Natural Aristocrat at Anime NYC 2019 about the title’s remastering and finding beauty in voice acting. You could pick...