4 years agoon
Nir RegevThis interview with actress Lena Hall contains spoilers for Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 8 “The Eternal Engineer”.
“You’ve defected.” – Josie Wellstead
“I’ve returned.” – Miss Audrey
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT [NIR REGEV]: Miss Audrey’s cafeteria girl talk with Josie Wellstead was one of tonight’s best scenes on Snowpiercer. Especially, the contrast between the two when Miss Audrey tells Josie, “With a little more effort you could be beautiful again…”
To which Josie responds, “Oh, I don’t give a s*** about being beautiful.” What was it like shooting a scene with Miss Audrey’s polar opposite?
LENA HALL: It was such a fun scene to film! That dress, the whole outfit alone shows the juxtaposition between the two stories. Josie’s story has been horrible to her. She’s been through hell, while Miss Audrey is the queen of the train.
Lena Hall as Miss Audrey – Screenshot Photo via TNT
It’s a great visual for the haves and have nots. I think it tells that story so well. Miss Audrey is trying to find some kind of similarities between the two of them so that they can be friends. Or at least get her more on her side.
Katie McGuinness as Josie Wellstead and Lena Hall as Miss Audrey – Screenshot Photo via TNT
But it’s just a complete backfire! Miss Audrey of course, is back in her Wilford ways. Just absolute excess, debauchery and a life of luxury.
She can’t see the truth. Miss Audrey can’t see reality anymore, essentially.
Katie McGuinness as Josie Wellstead – Screenshot Photo via TNT
All she sees is the wealth, the comforts, and that she doesn’t want to have the weight of the world on her shoulders anymore. She doesn’t want to deal with that anymore. Miss Audrey has hid herself in plain sight because she doesn’t want to deal with the weight of the world anymore… The way that she had been.
Mr. Wilford and Miss Audrey on Snowpiercer Season 2 – Photo Credit: David Bukach
Miss Audrey and Josie Wellstead have never crossed paths before that moment. They’re both Mr. Wilfred’s projects but they serve different purposes. It’s a great thing to watch.
THE NATURAL ARISTOCRAT: There was a line by Mr. Wilford that stood out to me on “The Eternal Engineer”.
Mr. Wilford tells Layton, paraphrased, ‘How did you even expect to run the train? You’re not an engineer. You don’t even know how she works!’ I thought about the practicality of that for a while.
Do you think there’s something to that concept? That the ends justify the means for the masses? In this case a return to order and perceived normalcy. Realistic expectations rather than grand utopian dreams.
LENA HALL: Yeah, I think Layton is looking toward a common good for everyone. But the revolution just doesn’t serve everyone the way they want. You’re always going to have people who are not happy. People who try to get things back to how they were.
It’s like when there’s a new President who makes all these promises that they’ll change the world. But when they get down to it… There’s so much red tape that they have to go through that they realize they’re just kind of a figurehead. The big changes they wanted to make are really slow, small, or not happening because there’s all this other stuff in the way.
Miss Audrey and Mr. Wilford – Photo Credit: TNT
While we had a big revolution on Snowpiercer to actually have a democracy… I think the minute Mr. Wilford comes back into the picture, it switches the minds of anyone who wasn’t fully behind the revolution.
They might have disliked some aspects of the ideas and now your King is suddenly back.
It’s like, ‘Oh well. I’m going to go ahead and go back to what I knew because that worked there. That worked really well. And while maybe I’m not having the steaks that first class was having or have as much living space… It’s better to live in what I knew than try to change it up.’
Katie McGuinness as Josie Wellstead and Lena Hall as Miss Audrey – Screenshot Photo via TNT
A lot of times people do revert back to what they know. People, don’t like to get out of their comfort zone. Layton is fighting an uphill battle. It’s true, he doesn’t even know how to run a train.
He relies on everyone to run the train and Mr. Wilford built the train. He knows everything about Snowpiercer. He’s smart enough to fix it if it breaks down. So Mr. Wilford is extremely important.
Meanwhile, Layton became this figurehead, this leader that he didn’t even want to be. He just wanted to have food and space for his Tailie friends in the back. Yet, Layton was thrust into this position and backed into it by everyone.
Now, he doesn’t really know what he’s doing and Mr. Wilford basically knows everything. Miss Audrey knows that Layton is totally doomed.
There’s no way that he can fight against what Mr. Wilford already has in place. It’s Layton’s uphill battle & Mr. Wilford knows that and is just toying with it. Mr. Wilford is plotting & planning so that when he does take back over the train, it’s organic.
Tom Lipinski as Kevin and Lena Hall as Miss Audrey on Snowpiercer Season 2 – Photo Credit: Thomas Burstyn
So it seems like everybody always knew Mr. Wilford would be the one to save all of us! Tonight’s episode brought a whole different level to that. I mean, there’s a reason why Snowpiercer’s passengers are such strong supporters of someone like Mr. Wilford…
LENA HALL: Thank you!
Miss Audrey and Mr. Wilford – Photo Credit: TNT
– This is Part 4 of The Natural Aristocrat’s Interview Series with Snowpiercer star Lena Hall. You can find parts 1-3 below:
– Lena Hall Snowpiercer Interview: Miss Audrey & Mr. Wilford’s Tainted Love
– Lena Hall talks ‘House of the Rising Sun’ Snowpiercer Cover (Interview)
– Snowpiercer’s Lena Hall on Miss Audrey ‘fixing’ Kevin (Interview)
– Be sure to follow Lena Hall on Twitter, Instagram, and her official website!
Mr. Wilford and Miss Audrey – Photo Credit: Thomas Burstyn
– Check out our interview with Katie McGuinness on Snowpiercer’s Josie Wellstead!
– Be sure to read our Snowpiercer Season 2 Episode 6 review! Discover the origins of Mr. Wilford and Melanie Cavill’s split leading to Big Alice. Wilford Industries always has a backup plan… Mr. Wilford never settles for the Tail section, always a first class passenger.
– Watch our NYCC 2019 interview with Jennifer Connelly about the importance taking on every acting challenge with a blank slate. The source material as the ultimate guide in the journey, rather than replicating success in past works. You don’t break box office records without innovation.
– All Snowpiercer recaps, news, interviews, and reviews can be found in the Snowpiercer articles section! Visit the TV series articles section for more coverage of your favorite TV shows. Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Comedy alike. The works!
Nir Regev is the founder of The Natural Aristocrat. You can directly contact him at [email protected] for coverage consideration, interview opportunities, or general comments.
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The Natural Aristocrat